It's true they are astonishing, even if many of them look like they have arrived fron another planet or they have been sired by Kojak. At no other time in our life do we soak up so much infomation or learn so many useful skills

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Stopping the tears

Most of the time babies cry for a reason, we know it doesn’t feel that way but it is true. They cry because they want something to eat, or they have a wet nappies, they are cold, hot, fed up, in pain, tired, they are just like us except we have developed better ways of dealing with our feeling and needs.

The place to start with a crying baby is to find the source, logical we know but it can be hard to think when a child is crying its head off. First place to start is are they hungry? Is their nappy dirty. Next try, Are they too hot or cold check that the temperature in the room is OK? Check that they are not sweating or that they have a temperature. If they are not sick, hungry, wet then most likely they have wind or they are just fed up try some or all of these tricks.
Try winding your child it is amazing how much wind a baby can have and it is often the cause of persist ant crying as they have no way to relive it themselves.
Sounds silly but try rocking your child they love movement so gentle rock them or put them up to your shoulder and move around the floor with them, good exercise but can be trying if it 4 in the morning.

Babies love noise so make noises as they were use to the sound of their mothers heart in the womb, try talk or to sing or try some music or TV in the back ground. Often singing and gently rocking a child often has the desired affect, the oldies are often still the goodies.
Placing the baby next to your skin works well, take off your shirt and place the baby on your chest alternatively use a sling that means you can get on with things while you try it.

Finally sometimes kids are just going to cry and sometimes what they want is for you to listen. If your baby's not in pain, they are not hungry, tired, or wet, and they don't want to be held or rocked, then let them cry, at for a shot while or as long as you can stand it, many babies quickly realise that they are not going to win and just simply go back to sleep.