As we mentioned in the previous post you will be bombarded with opinions on how often you should feed your child. If you are bottle feeding talk it over with your mid wife and then make the decision based on you your baby and the needs of your family. Most feeding experts i.e. mums, would seem to be in agreement that you shouldn't follow a rigid schedules in the early weeks, it doesn’t work and can make you feel inadequate. You may be able to work out an approximate pattern within a month or two.
Until the baby reaches about 10 pounds, they will probably take one to three ounces per feeding. Try not to force more than they are ready to eat. Your mid wife should advise you about suitable amounts for your baby as they grow.
Until the baby reaches about 10 pounds, they will probably take one to three ounces per feeding. Try not to force more than they are ready to eat. Your mid wife should advise you about suitable amounts for your baby as they grow.