It's true they are astonishing, even if many of them look like they have arrived fron another planet or they have been sired by Kojak. At no other time in our life do we soak up so much infomation or learn so many useful skills

Monday, 22 September 2008

Is tap water ok ?

You would be amazed how many new mums are using expensive bottled water to mix with their formula. They say it is purer and therefore safer for their baby. Rubbish we say it is just that the media has so many women neurotic about what they should and should not give to their babies that they have gone slightly mad.
The truth is that unless you live in an area where there is a problem with the drinking water supply or your midwife tells you to there is no need to even boil the water.

Many mums in the early months do boil the water and then mix it with the formula when its cooled our tip is to save money boil enough for the whole days feeds and keep it in the fridge then its ready when the screaming begins and you don't have to wait for it to boil and cool when its needed now. If you warm your milk and there is no need to if your baby will take it cold, remember not to put it in the microwave as it can cause hot spot as and destroy the nutrients